Well, guess you're reading this to see what I have to say about her. To fully understand, I need to give a really brief back history.
We've known each other significantly more than a decade in Second Life. During that time we have had many roles together...friends, lovers, spouse, etc...
We have had our trials like many and because of that, we both have learned a lot from every role we shared.
It took a lot of time to get to really know our own selves and each other but I can confidently say, the role we share now is a combination of every role we had through-out the years and the feeling brings a smile to my heart whether we are online or offline. It's such a fulfilling feeling that makes walking down our long history together so worth it.
The unknown forces beyond always seem to bring us back to each other. Life has a way if we just let it take hold and guide us....trust it and it finds a way.